Efecto en la calidad de vida, el afrontamiento y las conductas de salud de los pacientes con ictus isquémico agudo tratados con neurointervencionismo endovascular
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We conducted a prospective, longitudinal and comparative sample of patients with acute ischaemic stroke who were previously randomized for a clinical trial (REVASCAT) with two groups (intervention and control) according to the treatment received at the acute stage; endovascular therapy (either thrombectomy or thrombectomy and intravenous alteplase) or standard treatment (intravenous alteplase and/or hospitalization in stroke units).
The aim was to study strategies, health behaviour, and neurological and funcional development, and quality of life in a sample of patients with ischaemic stroke at 3 months and one year, by comparing the results of the two groups.
The results indicate that the two groups of patients have similar profiles. The patients in the neurovascular treatment group showed better neurological outcome, funcional status and quality of life the the control group both in the short and long term. Coping strategies are focused on active coping and acceptance, which are signifiant at one year and in the control group, whereas Health behaviors are better in the intervention group. In conclusion, the results obtained can be generalized to patients with acute ischaemic stroke as a whole.
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