Fortuna del llibre de "Vitiis et virtutibus" de Guillem Peraldus entre els segles XIII i XV: biografia i obres

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In the thirteenth century and due to the great influence and prestige of theological studies at the University of Paris, both the Menorets Franciscan and the Friar Preachers decided that the best and more capable bachelors (baccalaureus formatus) had to attend the University of Paris in order to obtain the relevant and corresponding doctoral university chair. This was the case of the friar preacher Guillelmus Peraldus. After his Parisian tour, Peraldus returned "sine gradu" to his convent where it seems that in 1236 he had already written Summa de vitiïs et virtutibus, a treaty on the vices and virtues in two parts ​
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