Identificación y abordaje de riesgos éticos en el contexto de la supervisión de equipos de Servicios sociales
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In this article we suggest an approach to the discomfort that professionals of social services
expressed in supervision sessions, after which there is often an undercurrent of ethical
issues not identified as such. The complex decision-making in which they find themselves
often professionals can leave a residue of unidentified moral questions that should be
treated. Thus, we propose a classification of ethical risks for easy identification under supervision
sessions, which classified into three dimensions: micro, meso and macro. Secondly
we will discuss some proposals for the treatment of these issues, based on some models
that are offered from applied ethics, which emphasize especially in the procedure, in deliberation,
rather than the results achieved. Although we know that monitoring may not be
applied in full, we are convinced that, even partially, some of its recommendations can be
used by supervisors and will help develop ethical sensitivity of professionals
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