Estudi del compliment terapèutic del dispositiu de pressió positiva constant a la via aèria en persones diagnosticades de síndrome d'apnea-hipopnea obstructiva del son ateses a l'atenció primària
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Introduction: The obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (OSAH) is a chronic disease which is now considered a public health problem associated with other diseases and if left untreated, can have negative consequences for health. The adoption of appropriate therapeutic measures such as a healthy lifestyle, sleep hygiene, and especially the proper use of the device giving continuous constant positive airway pressure (CPAP) are very important to reverse the undesirable effects and complications that OSAH has to enable health. However, treatment compliance does not occur in all cases, and the determinants of the optimal use of CPAP were contradictory in literature.
Objective: To determine compliance with CPAP treatment of patients diagnosed with OSAH, seen in primary care (PC), and features that accompany or can influence this compliance: social and demographic characteristics, lifestyles and their health literacy.
Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study from a random sample of 79 people older than 18 years attended at PC in Salt (Girona). Information was obtained by personal interview and clinical reports. The study was approved by Ethics Committee on Clinical Investigation. A descriptive and bivariate analysis was made and later a logistic regression model was built to study the association between compliance with the CPAP device and associated variables.
Results: Fifty-three men and twenty-six women were included in the sample, with an age average of 61.5 years old. The compliance prevalence detected with treatment received by participants is 78.5%. We observed association between compliance and some of the factors analyzed, such as age, severity of illness and the perceived improvement in the symptoms using the device. In the logistic regression analysis, the perceived improvement in the symptoms of the participants using the device was the strongest associated variable, with OR=3,135; IC 95% (1,420-6,924), p=0,005.
Conclusions: We observed adherence with CPAP by almost 8 out of 10 participants. It is necessary to improve lifestyles and the compliance for the treatment with CPAP in patients with OSAH. To achieve these goals, OSAH must be considered as a chronic disease, and a collaborative and coordinated approach from all professional and healthcare levels is needed, adapting for each patient educative efforts to the level of his own health literacy
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