Representación composicional de la intermedia agendasetting de los principales grupos de medios y partidos políticos en las elecciones generales españolas de 2015 = Compositional visualization of intermedia agenda setting by the main media groups and political parties in the Spanish 2015 General Elections
This article presents the compositional biplot as an innovative methodological approach to visualise
intermedia agenda-setting in the study of media and political agendas in an intuitive way. As an
illustration, we use a content analysis of the main Spanish media groups (RTVE, Prisa, Vocento,
Unidad Editorial, COPE, Atresmedia, Planeta, Godó, Mediaset España and Libertad Digital) and
political parties with a sole constituency (Partido Popular, Partido Socialista Obrero Español,
Podemos, Ciudadanos and Izquierda Unida) within the framework of the 2015 Spanish general election
period. Unlike traditional approaches, compositional analysis in general and the biplot in particular
emphasize the relative salience of the contents within the agenda. The visualisation confirms the
methodological soundness of the approach, while also providing a novel perspective of the case under
study and visualizing the representation of intermedia agenda-setting