Estudi de la diversitat de quiròpters de sotabosc de la Comunitat amazònica de Sant Rafael i la seva Reserva comunal

Mayol Pérez, Júlia
The Amazon jungle is a zone of great importance in regards of its diversity; due to its climatic characteristics it offers optimal conditions to a big number of species, animal and vegetal. In particular the chiropters, present an elevated diversity and abundance in the neotropic zones and their populations are fundamental to the good functioning of the communities and even the ecosystem. Especially those that belong to the family Phyllostomidae, the majority frugivorous who have a huge importance in the seed dispersion and, with that, they intervene in the regeneration and succession of the forest. The population of chiropters it’s in decline due to being subjugated to a combination of menaces occasioned mainly by human activity, the majority of said menaces are related to the alteration of nature, and so, directly related with the bat’s habitat perturbation. The main objective of this study is to determine the diversity of the chiropters of two sampled zones in San Rafael, the Community and its communal Reserve. To be able to determine if there are differences between both studied zones and analyze if said differences have been occasioned by the anthropization of the area ​
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