El benestar subjectiu dels adolescents tutelats en acolliment residencial i familiar a Catalunya

Llosada Gistau, Joan
Are children and adolescents happy while under the Child Protection System in Catalonia? There are few national and international studies on subjective well-being among children, and even less, on subjective well-being of children and adolescents in care The main objective of this PhD is to analyze the subjective well-being of adolescents in care in Catalonia. We analyzed which type of placement favors their subjective well-being, we compared their subjective well-being with that of the general population of the same age, and we studied how different variables affect their subjective well-being. The results indicated that the adolescents in kinship care and non-kinship foster care showed similar levels of subjective well-being than general population and higher than those who live in residential care. These results highlight the importance of taking into account the opinion of the adolescents when making decisions that affect their lives ​
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