Cataluña-Quebec. Nacionalismo, sociedad civil y cultura popular en el siglo XX
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This PhD thesis contributes to the study of neo-nationalism and nationalization by the proposal of a theoretical proposal that is enriched in the comparative analysis of two concrete cases. Although these complex phenomena involve many different factors, this thesis focuses on the connections between civil society, popular culture and nationalism. In the first section, the existing works on the topic are considered. The objective is to propose a theoretical framework that enriches the perspective from ‘above’, focused mainly on the political aspects, by incorporating aspects from ‘below’ and the cultural elements of nationalism. The second section presents two case studies: Quebec (Canada) and Catalonia (Spain). Documents, primary and secondary sources, and in-depth interviews are used to observe the connections between civil society, popular culture and nationalism. Finally, these case studies are compared and critical reflections are provided on how nationalism works with different nationalization factors
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