Feasibility of incorporating treated lignin and cellulose nanofiber in fiberboards made from corn stalk and rice straw
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Agricultural waste is of particularly interest due to abudant, cheap, widely available worldwide and renewable material. It represent a good option for wood sources substitution, containing similar in chemical and physical characteristics. The present Doctoral Thesis studies the possibility of substituting wood sources by crop residues and replacing synthetic binders by natural adhesives in fiberboard production. Corn and rice biomass were selected as raw materials, followed by thermo-mechanical pulping (TMP) pretreatment. Fiberboards made of TMP of both crop residues without any binder presented lower mechanical properties than commercial ones (which contained synthetic binder). In term of physical properties, lower water absorption and thickness swelling were found for the fiberboards made of crop residues than for the commercial one. Overall, the present study shows a more sustainable and effective way of producing cellulose-based fiberboards without aid of any synthetic binder, contributing thus to both technical and environmental aspects of fiberboard manufacturing
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