La construcción y simulación de la identidad en la fotografía de autorretrato del siglo XXI = Construction and simulation of the identity in the photographic self-portrait in the 21st century
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In modern times the relationship between
the subject and photography has grown in
importance. Self-portrait in photography has
become a worldwide trend. The practice of
the selfie could become a way of understanding
a homogenised identity. And herein
lies the paradox: people who want to show
their differences as a subject but use the
same photographic schemas — face and
space in the same frame, always recognizable
— become further proof of capitalist
logic in the digital network. Individual identity
is constructed in photographic self-portraits
through a homogenized representation
of the subject. Once again, the photographic
composition is serialized and individuals are
shown in a virtual reality which they themselves
have created. The way identities are
displayed on networks makes the face the
most important part for identification. And
thus, identities are treated like merchandise
that can be bought and sold