“Un gris verdós, clar, si l’ensopeguen, pot fer bonic”. Biblioteques i guerra: una correspondència de Jordi Rubió i Balaguer amb Joan subias i Galter (1927-1938)
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The correspondence exchanged between Jordi Rubió i Balaguer and Joan
Subias i Galter reveals the strength of the public libraries project conceived first
by the «Mancomunitat» (joint administration of the four provinces of Catalonia)
and then in the 1930s by the Catalan government (Generalitat). Even
in the midst of the Spanish Civil War the project did not falter, despite the
difficulties, going on to become a model of commitment to building up an infrastructure
at the service of culture. The libraries in Palafrugell, Palamós, Olot,
Figueres and Girona lie at the heart of Rubió and Subias’ collaboration in the
province of Girona and have become a paradigm for such policies