"En vers vull desafiar...": la poesia femenina a l'àmbit català (segles XVI-XVIII): edició crítica
Texto Completo
This thesis provides a review of the female works from the 16th-18th centuries in the Catalan linguistic area, focusing especially in the poetic genre. The invisibility of women in literary or historical manuals, with the exception of a few brightest figures, led to the belief that were no women writers in the modern age in this area. This work is divided into two volumes and consists of four parts: the first part provides a pertinent study of the writers and of the genera cultivated in its diachronic evolution. To do so, it analyses the access of women to the written culture over the centuries of the period, taking into account the social conception of female gender prevailing at the time that limited the activities of women in private areas. At the same time, it establishes a first characterization of the phenomenon of women's writing in the Catalan literary universe, with an examination of known and documented authors.
The second part of the thesis focuses on the examination of female exhumed poetic texts (regardless of the language used: Latin, the language of high culture; Catalan, the vernacular language of people, and Spanish, the language of monarchy, which most of the writers of the period employ). In this part, the thesis deepens on the main spaces that broadcast women's poetic work during these centuries, which have never been seriously addressed by the critics, and which in general have been classified according to the two areas of enunciation of the text: on the one hand, the profane spaces, where the poetry that what was submitted to contests and academies is located, the laudatory poerty contained in other works and some little-known pieces of secular poets; and, on the other hand, the sacred spaces, from which the monastic poetry comes, which is the most abundant and often responds to the convent dynamics and the expression of devotion of the nuns.
After having studied the most important media of poetic projection for women of the modern age, which are summarized in the conclusions (on the third part), the fourth part of the thesis offers the full edition of the texts collected and studied in the Catalan-speaking territories
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