Prevalencia de consumo de tabaco en trabajadores hospitalarios: metaanálisis en 45 hospitales catalanes = Smoking prevalence in hospital workers: meta-analysis in 45 Catalan hospitals

Martínez, Cristina
Martínez-Sánchez, Jose M.
Antón, Laura
Riccobene, Anna
Fu, Marcela
Quirós, Nuria
Saltó i Cerezuela, Esteve
Fernández, Esteve
Bigordà Palau, Sandra
González, Jaume
Elvira, Maite
Abella, Francesc
Pie, Montserrat
Rofes, Lourdes
Catalán, Tere
Guasch, Joaquim
Carrasco, Joana
Benito, Dolors
González, Upe
Solà, Peio
Carreras, Rosa
Molina, Sílvia
Castells, Beatriu
Raich, Ma Antònia
Fibla, Francesc
Palau, Merce
Serra, Consol
la Rosa, Davidde
Macià, Francesc
Burón, Andrea
Ripoll, Ruth
Solé, Marta
Sánchez, José María
Pajin, M. A.
Asensio, Mercè Santos
Pinet, Cristina
Bugés, Jordi
Claudia Guevara, null
Prat, Jaume
Cano, Marga
Peña, Pilar
Mayor, Gemma
Guerrero, Joana
Roda, Manel
Pommier, Fernando
Contel, Montserrat
Puyuelo, Albert Tresserras
Soler, Francesc
Vilardell, Miquel
Sanz, Jorge
Carbonell, Catalina Serra
Santiñà, Manel
Objective: To estimate the prevalence of smoking in workers from hospitals within the Catalan Network for Smoke-free hospitals from 2009 to 2012 according to workers' sociodemographic characteristics and the type of hospital. Method: A meta-analysis was performed of prevalence surveys from representative samples of workers from 45 hospitals. The combined prevalence for all hospitals was calculated using a regression model with a random effects model weighted by sample size. Results: The overall prevalence of smoking was 28.1% (95%. CI: 26.1 to 30.0%) with a maximum and minimum of 40.3% and 19.1%, respectively. The health professionals with the lowest prevalence of smoking were physicians (16.4%; 95%CI: 12.9 to 19.9) and nurses (25.4%; 95%CI 21.6 to 29.2). Conclusion: The prevalence of smoking in hospital health workers was lower than in the general population of working age. Physicians were the group with the lowest smoking prevalence. Smoking cessation should be promoted among other professional groups ​
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