Aigua sagrada i aigua monumental al nord-est de la Península Ibèrica en l'època romana
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At the end of the Republican era, changes on the territory of our study began started. During this period, a lot of cult buildings, with a clear italic nature, were established. That’s the proof of territorial, religious, social and economic control that Romanization entailed. This work analyses in depth several examples of these types of establishments throughout the present provinces of Girona, Barcelona and Tarragona, showing the syncretism processes typical of the contact between two well-differentiated religious realities, going to the interpretative stage of them by the Roman contingent and the subsequent total immersion of the Roman religion in our territory. The thread of this study is water, and as this element articulated a series of spaces that have been differentiated into three sections: worship spaces, termomineral spaces and, finally, we treat water and its concept of monumentality
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