Alfabetització en salut de les persones que freqüenten els serveis hospitalaris per problemes de salut no urgents: projecte de recerca
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In the last 10 years and nowadays, has increased attendance at hospital emergency departments (ED).
In addition, a large part of the visits are considered inadequate, coming to represent between 20-80% of the total. There are several determinants associated with an increase in the use of ED visits and inappropriate use of this service, such as mobility patterns, demographic and socio-cultural factors, lack of confidence or knowledge of primary care urgent attention, low level of education and health literacy. However, these services are provided with high technology and highly qualified health professionals providing diagnosis, treatment and resolution of health problem presented generating greater use by the population.
This excessive and inappropriate use generates excessive economic costs for the health system. In this issue presented in the ED plays an important role health literacy levels and this levels according to the European HLS-EU project, in Spain is largely inappropriate in the population. This fact means that people have more difficulty understanding, using, accessing and implement ealth information and to make a judgment about the better access to the health system, generating overuse of ED. Objective: Describe the level of health literacy presented by the population of the Girona region that attend to ED of Hospital Universitari Dr. Josep Trueta for a non-urgent health problem. Methods: Cross-sectional study with quantitative methods where study sample will be people habitually resident in the region of Girona who attend on ED of Hospital Dr. Josep trueta for non-urgent health problems. The quantitative and qualitative data will be obtained with a ad hoc questionnaire and others qualitative data will be obtained with HLS-EU-Q16 questionnaire. SPSS 23.0 will be used for the analysis of quantitative and qualitative variables
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