L'envelliment actiu i saludable a la província de Girona i a Europa segons diferents models
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To determine the prevalence of Active and Healthy Ageing (AHA) in the province of Girona and 14 European countries according to various models, to analyze the association between health variables and social determinants of health. This was a cross-sectional, observational analysis of a representative sample of population aged 50 years and older in Girona and Europe consisted of 55.278 participants. The data were obtained by MESGI50 and SHARE studies. AHA was measured using Rowe Kahn model (AHA-RK) and a model based on the WHO definition (AHA-WHO). The prevalence was 23.5% in AHA-RK model and 38.8% in AHA-WHO model. In the geographic analysis, there was a north-central to south-east Europe gradient. In both models, AHA was significantly associated with: self-perception of excellent-very good health status; high-very high quality of life; less use of health services. AHA was more strongly associated with socioeconomic status, mainly with to work and not financial difficulties.
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