Robot learning applied to autonomous underwater vehicles for intervention tasks
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The interest in performing underwater tasks using Autonomous Underwater
Vehicles (AUVs) has been growing over the past few years. In this thesis, a
flexible framework for underwater interventions using a Learning by
Demonstration algorithm as a core has been developed. This algorithm allows
to the robot's user to transfer a skill or knowledge to the I-AUV using a
natural and intuitive form.
The developed framework for interventions has been tailored to the GIRONA 500
AUV in order to enable it to perform an underwater valve turning task under
different conditions. The GIRONA 500 has been equipped with a 4 DOF
Manipulator and a custom end-effector.
Throughout this thesis, the experiments developed have been carried out in a
mock-up scenario of a sub-sea installation with a valve panel. The difficulty
of the task has been increased gradually in order to test the new
improvements and the robustness in the proposed framework
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