La oportunidad, el ambiente, la hora: La Primera Guerra Mundial en las prácticas del catalanismo radical de Buenos Aires = The Opportunity, the Environment, the Moment: the First World War in the Practices of Radical Catalanism at Buenos Aires

Lucci, Marcela
This paper studies the influence of World War I in the evolution of radical catalanism in America during the first decades of the 20th century. It focuses the analysis on the «Catalans of America», the sector of the Catalan community that from the Argentine capital city helped to design the distinctive characteristics of the radical overseas separatism. It deepens into his most active stage during the 20th century, integrating it to the schism that the war produced in the western civilization and to the new currents of thought that appeared in the theoretical European field. Explores also the group's position towards the armed conflict. Finally, studies the influence of the Great War in the process of construction and reproduction of worldview and activism of the Buenos Aires catalanism ​
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