Carbon and nitrogen treatment in industrial wastewaters using bioelectrochemical systems

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The doctoral thesis has focused on the simultaneous removal of carbon and nitrogen in BES for future application in the treatment of industrial wastewater as swine manure. The bacteria that use the electrode as electron acceptor (bioanode) and as electron donor (biocathode) to reduce undesired products in industrial waters has investigated. This has culminated in a process patent (WO / 2015/150610) by LEQUiA group. The researcher has studied in deep the technology, optimizing the nutrient treatment (1.2 kg COD m-3 s-1 and 370 g N m-3 d-1), improving the electrochemical efficiency (5 W m- 3) and identifying the limitations of the system based on design and material selection. The knowledge obtained, allowed the construction of a 65L scaled BES for the evaluation of the real applicability of the technology. In studies performed, the microbial community was evaluated, relating them to nutrient removal and electricity production ​
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