Invasive Alien Species - Prioritising prevention efforts through horizon scanning: ENV.B.2/ETU/2014/0016: Final report

Roy, Helen E.
Adriaens, Tim
Aldridge, David C.
Bacher, Sven
Bishop, John D.D.
Blackburn, Tim M.
Branquart, Etienne
Brodie, Juliet
Carboneras, Carles
Cook, Elizabeth J.
Copp, Gordon H.
Dean, Hannah J.
Eilenberg, Jørgen
Essl, Franz
Gallardo, Belinda
Garcia, Mariana
Genovesi, Piero
Hulme, Philip E.
Kenis, Marc
Kerckhof, Francis
Kettunen, Marianne
Minchin, Dan
Nentwig, Wolfgang
Nieto Serradilla, Ana
Pergl, Jan
Pescott, Oliver L.
Peyton, Jodey
Preda, Cristina
Rabitsch, Wolfgang
Roques, Alain
Rorke, Steph L.
Scalera, Riccardo
Schindler, Stefan
Schönrogge, Karsten
Solarz, Wojciech
Stewart, Alan J.A.
Tricarico, Elena
Vanderhoeven, Sonia
Velde, Gerard van der‏
Vilà Planella, Montserrat
Wood, Christine
Zenetos, Argyro
The European Union Regulation (EU) 1143/2014 on invasive alien species (IAS) establishes an EU-wide framework for action to prevent, minimise and mitigate the adverse impacts of IAS on biodiversity and centres around the development of a list of IAS of EU Concern. The initial list of IAS of EU concern will be based on available risk assessments compliant with agreed minimum standards but horizon scanning is seen as critical to inform future updating of the list, in order to prioritise the most threatening new and emerging IAS. A workshop was held with the overarching aim of reviewing and validating an approach to horizon scanning to derive a ranked list of IAS which are likely to arrive, establish, spread and have an impact on biodiversity or related ecosystem services in the EU over the next decade. The agreed horizon scanning approach involved two distinct phases: i) Preliminary consultation between experts within five thematic groups to derive initial scores; ii) Consensus-building across expert groups including extensive discussion on species rankings coupled with review and moderation of scores across groups. The outcome of the horizon scanning was a list of 95 species, including all taxa (except microorganisms) within marine, terrestrial and freshwater environments, considered as very high or high priority for risk assessment ​
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