Decision support framework for space-use optimization and arrangement of public services
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The thesis concentrates particularly on how to enhance space-use in the case of public facilities. This issue has been approached by repurposing existing facilities and introducing additional services, thereby creating multi-service facilities. However, the services to be combined cannot be chosen randomly, but should be selected according to their mutual compatibility. For this reason, a method for service compatibility analysis has been developed. This allows to identify bundles of services that could be combined and offered together, and services whose combination should be avoided.
Furthermore, the results of the space-use analysis as well as the service compatibility analysis are visualized in a user-friendly way to facilitate interpretation and to help in decision-making. All these elements constitute the framework for space-use optimization and arrangement of public services in order to enhance space-use and to decrease the consumption of other, related resources such as energy or water, to make the city environment more sustainable and smarter
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