Polisèmia del nom punta i els seus derivats verbals: una comparativa històrica entre el castellà i el català = The Polysemy of the Noun Punta and its Verbal Derivatives: a Historical Comparison of Catalan and Spanish
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This study presents a comparative analysis of the semantic evolution of the noun puntaand its verbal derivatives in both Catalan and Spanish: apuntar(Cat. / Sp.), despuntar(Cat. / Sp.), espuntar(Cat.), traspuntar(Cat. / Sp.), puntejar(Cat.) and puntear(Sp.). The Generative Lexicon framework (Pustejovsky 1995) is adopted, which allows examining the processes that intervene in the emergence of words’ new senses from a sub-lexical and compositional standpoint. It is demonstrated that the semantic changes and extensions undergone by puntaand its verbal derivatives throughout the history can be accounted for by means of a series of generative devices that operate when these terms are used in context