Model Csp2-Csp3 Hurtley Coupling Catalysis that Operates through a Well-Defined CuI/CuIII Mechanism
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Hurtley-type coupling reactions, which were first discovered
more than 80 years ago, involve the copper-catalyzed a-arylation
of activated methylene compounds by using aryl halide
substrates.[1–3] These reactions afford Csp2 Csp3 coupling products,
usually as their a-aryl ketone derivatives. These compounds
are important because they are found in a large
number of natural products and they have also found wide application
in pharmaceutical chemistry.[4] Importantly, there is
not a clear understanding of the mechanistic details of copperbased
Hurtley catalysis; therefore, unraveling the mechanistic
pathways is of fundamental importance to facilitate the design
of more-sustainable methodologie
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