Caracterització del suro i subproductes de la indústria surera. Valoració d'aquests com a biosorbents d'hidrocarburs aromàtics policíclics en aigües d'escorrentia

Jové Martín, Patricia
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The main objective of this thesis is to characterize and evaluate the capacity of cork and by-products of the cork industry (collectively called as cork samples) as biosorbents of aqueous polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). In order to achieve this goal, the following studies were performed. One of the considered applications for the reuse of treated water is for boiled cork planks given that, this not only would improve the water resources management but also would increase the added value of the by-products from the cork industry using it in the sector itself. According to this, an economical study of the process was performed. Finally, the possibility of regenerating the contaminated biosorbent using biodegration to remove previously PAH adsorbed, was evaluated. In this case, three ligninolytic fungi (with degradation capacity previously reported) and three non-ligninolytic fungi characteristic of cork itself was used to inoculate polluted cork with anthracene (chosen as a representative PAH). The identification of anthracene degradation products generated and the elucidation of degradation pathway in the fungus showing the highest anthracene removal were performed. This last step of the thesis is very important as it closes the cork cycle as biosorbent of PAHs ​
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