La génesis y la evolución de la valoración moderna del paisaje en Cataluña = Genesis and evolution of the modern appreciation of the landscape in Catalonia = Genèse et évolution de l’appréciation moderne du paysage en Catalogne

The present text outlines the genesis and evolution of the modern appreciation of the landscape in Catalonia, from the mid 19th century to the present. In order to better understand this evolution, four stages are established. The first stage, which stretches from the end of the 19th century to the Spanish Civil War, is of great importance for its seminal nature and the close connection between the cultural and symbolic appreciation of the landscape and the origins of Catalanist thought. The second refers to the Franco period, marked by the practical disappearance of any interpretation of the landscape linked to political Catalanism. The third stage spans from the first years of democracy until the breakdown of constitutional consensus at the beginning of the 21st century, and the fourth and current phase is closely related to the paradigm shift introduced by a civil society that vindicates, among other rights, that of self-determination. The article shows that, in one way or another, the appreciation of the landscape in Catalonia has always had a connotation of identity issues and reassertion of a distinct and differentiated personality, and has always been conceived as the result of a long and distant process of historicity of territory and territorialisation of history ​
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