Elaboración y aplicación de un programa de formación de formadores para la prevención sexual del VIH: efectos sobre la asertividad, la autoeficacia y la conducta

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We designed and implemented a training programme aimed at university students in the field of education and health, providing them with professional tools for carrying out preventive interventions in relation to high-risk sexual behaviours. Aim. To evaluate the effects of the programme on participants’ assertiveness and self-efficacy in negotiating condom use with a romantic partner, condom use and general assertiveness. Method. Pre-post quasi-experimental design, with non-randomized control group. The participants comprised 68 women, who were provided with assertiveness training, group techniques and action-research to improve negotiation skills in condom use. Results. The analysis of variance revealed that the programme increased: verbal assertiveness to suggest condom use to their partner and to convince him about the need to use one; non-verbal assertiveness to convince the partner and refuse sexual intercourse without a condom; perceived self-efficacy to propose, convince and refuse; and general assertiveness. Conclusions. The programme provided future professional trainers not only with professional skills but also personal benefits, improving their skills and self-efficacy in negotiating condom use. ​
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