Analysis of chemotherapy drugs and related compounds in aquatic environment: removal, transformation and risk evaluation in eco-friendly and advanced technologies

Ferrando Climent, Laura
In order to evaluate the increasing environmental and human risk of anticancer drugs in the environment, more information needs to be gathered about their presence, their toxicity, bioaccumulation and persistence. In addition, their removal performance in conventional wastewater treatment facilities and in alternative treatments needs further investigation efforts. The aim of this thesis is to fill knowledge gaps and provide tools for a better assessment about the presence and fate of anticancer drugs in the urban water cycle. The work presented hereby includes three main objectives: i) to develop analytical methodologies for target and non-target analysis of anticancer drugs in aquatic environment, ii) to assess the occurrence of anticancer drugs in urban systems and iii) to appraise different technological alternatives to remove anticancer drugs from polluted effluents ​
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