Promoción de la salud desde la perspectiva salutogénica en mujeres inmigrantes en riesgo de exclusión social. A salutogenic approach to health promotion among immigrant women at risk of social exclusion
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Traditional health promotion programs designed immigrant women at risk of social exclusion have focussed on their needs. The salutogenic approach offers a new perspective to them.
To evaluate the effectiveness of a health promotion program, focused on the empowerment with a salutogenic approach, for immigrant women at risk of social exclusion.
A mixed-methods study, using a sequential exploratory strategy of qualitative and quantitative methodology, was developed within the Programa d’Orientació Laboral de Càritas de Girona.
Participants in the study have GRRs and are able to identify them.
Health promotion programs developed from a salutogenic perspective, reduced significantly perceived stress, increased physical quality of life and showed a trend toward increased self-esteem. These activities are more effective in women with lower initial SOC and quality of life scores and higher perceived stress scores. Perceived social support is also a key factor in the empowerment of these immigrant women
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