De la historia al mito. La construcción de la memoria escrita y visual de la entrada triunfal de Alfonso V de Aragón en Nápoles (1443) = From history to myth. The construction of written and visual memory of Alfonso V Aragon triumphal entry in Naples (1443)

The spectacular triumphal entrance of Alfonso V of Aragon in Naples in 1443 constitutes one of the most defining moments in Neapolitan humanist historiography. No fewer than ten stories and six visual representations were devised shortly after the celebration and decisively contributed to crystallising a memory of the ceremony which, in various aspects, seems to remove us from historical reality. This study seeks precisely to delve into the meaning and profiles of this memory construction process in order to be able to establish its consequences at a historiographic and collective imagination level. On the one hand, the conversion to a pompous and almost exclusive manifestation of court power from what was substantially a ceremony of pact between different social groups in the city and the king. On the other hand, the metamorphosis of a conceptually hybrid spectacular, renaissance in the broadest possible sense of the term, into an imperial adventus; un trionfo all’antica. In short, we critically observe a ceremony which, thanks to the court humanists and the authors of a series of images, became one of the epitomes of an active propaganda campaign that sought and achieved to present Alfonso as one of the most educated and refined princes in fifteenth century Italy ​
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