El control ex post de la calidad de los enunciados probatorios en materia penal en Chile. De la epistemología a la praxis

Araya Novoa, Marcela Paz
Texto Completo
Is the control of de conclusions concerning the acts of the nullity courts in a system of freedom of evidence possible? This question arises because it is usually stated, that the audit of the quaestio facti made by judges that were not present in the oral trial is not possible, and because the liberty in emphasized,and not the subjection that, on the activity matter, must be made to the cannon of the general epistemology. Consequently, this investigation contemplates the improvement of the subjetive approach and the appel to the epistemological approach of the evaluative activity and its control, using the standard of proofing and justification of de decision, through the recourse of nullity, which also allows to perfectly meet the guarantee of the right to the recourse ​
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