Silica-Supported Tungsten Carbynes (≡SiO)xW(≡CH)(Me)y (x = 1, y = 2; x = 2, y = 1): New Efficient Catalysts for Alkyne Cyclotrimerization
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The activity of silica-supported tungsten carbyne complexes (≡SiO)xW(≡CH)(Me)y (x = 1, y = 2; x = 2, y = 1) toward alkynes is reported. We found that they are efficient precatalysts for terminal alkyne cyclotrimerization with high TONs. We also demonstrate that this catalyst species is active for alkyne cyclotrimerization without the formation of significant alkyne metathesis products. Additional DFT calculations highlight the importance of the W coordination sphere in supporting this experimental behavior
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