Development of an extraction and purification method for the determination of multi-class pharmaceuticals and endocrine disruptors in freshwater invertebrates

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Aquatic organisms from freshwater ecosystems impacted by waste water treatment plant (WWTP) effluents are constantly exposed to constant concentrations of pharmaceuticals, endocrine disruptors and related compounds, among other anthropogenic contaminants. Macroinvertebrates inhabiting freshwater ecosystems might be useful bioindicators of exposure to contaminants, since their lives are long enough to bioaccumulate, but at the same time may integrate short-term changes in the environment. However, studies about potential bioaccumulation of emerging contaminants in these organisms are very scarce. The objectives of this study were to develop an analytical methodology for the analysis of 41 pharmaceuticals and 21 endocrine disruptors in freshwater invertebrates. In addition, bioaccumulation of these contaminants in three macroinvertebrate taxa inhabiting a waste water treatment plant -impacted river was evaluated. The method for the simultaneous extraction of both families of compounds is based on sonication, purification via removal of phospholipids, and analysis by ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled to a mass spectrometer (UPLC-MS/MS) in tandem. Recoveries for pharmaceuticals were 34-125%, and for endocrine disruptors were 48-117%. Method detection limits (MDLs) for EDCs were in the range of 0.080-2.4 ng g-1, and for pharmaceuticals, 0.060-4.3 ng g-1. These pollutants were detected in water samples taken downstream the waste water treatment plant effluent at concentrations up to 572 ng L-1. Two non-esteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, diclofenac and ibuprofen, and four endocrine disruptors - estrone, bisphenol A, TBEP, and nonylphenol - were detected in at least one macroinvertebrate taxa in concentrations up to 183 ng g-1 (dry weight). An isobaric interference was identified during the analysis of diclofenac in Hydropsyche samples, which was successfully discriminated via accurate mass determination by TFC-LTQ Orbitrap ​
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