Experimental characterization and numerical simulation of composite adhesive joints using the cohesive zone model approach

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The present thesis aims at developing robust numerical and experimental methods for the simulation of composite adhesive joints. Firstly, a new method for the experimental characterization of adhesive joints is presented. The proposed method widens the range of applicability of the existing methods at the same time that lowers the uncertainty of the results. By means of this method, a critical study on the validity of the existing experimental methods is presented, as well as the thorough characterization of an adhesive in terms of the cohesive laws of the material. The experimental evidences are analyzed to obtain a guideline for the simulation of adhesive joints and a formulation of a new cohesive elements is presented. The proposed formulation allows the simulation of the elastic response, damage and failure of adhesive layers by using experimentally measurable material properties, with no further calibrations required. ​
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