Advanced illumination and view-selection techniques for volume rendering and its application to medical imaging
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Volume visualization is a method of extracting information from volumetric data using interactive graphics. Volume visualization aims to assist visual interpretation of data by creating three-dimensional models that reproduce real objects with sufficient detail and speed to support interactive manipulation. Illustrative rendering enhances the perception of features in a volume.
Volume rendering has two major goals: to obtain high quality images in real time, and to determine how to explore volume datasets in an effective way.
In this thesis we advance in these two lines. We propose several methods to approximate global illumination with low computational cost, permitting realistic and illustrative rendering. We also present a method to automatically define transfer functions given a target distribution. In addition, we introduce a method to automatize the creation of exploded views. Finally, we explore techniques to select the best viewpoints for a volume. Several of our contributions are based on information theory.
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