La centralitat del llenguatge en l'antropologia de Lluís Duch: reflexió filosòfica sobre la noció d'emparaulament

Ferrer i Borrell, Elies
Texto Completo
This thesis examines the proposal anthropological thinker Catalan Lluís Duch, paying special attention to their understanding of language as the core of anthropology. It is considered especially his notion of «emparaulament». In the introduction to the thesis there is a description and justification of the value of this research. The work is divided into two parts. The first part deals with introductory matters: it contains a short biography of Lluís Duch, a depth exploration production and a full discussion of the anthropological method of the author studied. The second part, which is the main body of the thesis, is a philosophical reflection on the centrality of language in the play anthropological study. Ten theses about duquian anthropology of language are collected and analysed. After this reflection, our work shows the influence of some contemporary thinkers in the work of Lluís Duch. Our work ends with conclusions on Lluís Duch’s anthropology in general and on our study in particular. ​
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