La expulsión de extranjeros del artículo 89 del Código Penal: análisis jurídico penal y criminológico

Texto Completo
The aim of this study is to analyze, from a legal and criminological perspective, the measure contained in article 89 of the Criminal Law (Organic Law 5/2010 of 22 July, that modified the Organic Law 10/1995 of 23 November, of the Criminal Law). This measure, deportation is provided when a foreigner in an irregular situation has been convicted to prison sentence. This work and the research carried out wonder if, taking into account that deportation is an instrument of Administrative Law to control migration’s flows: its introduction in the Criminal Justice system –with different purposes- will produce divergences with criminal and procedural law principles, or otherwise, shall be adapted as an instrument of consequences of criminal law catalogue? To reply this question, this work analyzes the theoretical issues that deportation by substitution has raised. Moreover, considering the need to analyze them in terms of judicial practice, a research has been carried out in different courts of Barcelona. This research permitted to observe that application of deportation create problems that theoretical observation itself could not detect. These problems, at the time, generate new conflicts with principles underlying both the law and the criminal process. ​
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