The influence of the length of a cork column on the removal of particles, metals and organic compounds from rainwater runoff

Van Elsuwé, Ben
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This project focuses on the removal efficiency of physical contamination, heavy metals (represented by chromium) and organic compounds (represented by anthracene) by cork columns. Columns of 5 cm, 15 cm and 24 cm lengths are tested on their removal efficiency on the 3 kinds of pollution. • The physical contamination involves 2 scenarios of pollution. The first scenario is considering a high pollution area; the turbidity according to this is 70 NTU. The second scenario is a normal pollution area, with a turbidity of 30 NTU. The stormwater is collected and by mixing different rainwater the correct turbidity is obtained. The first step of suspended matter removal is the pre-sedimentation step, which is carried out after the suspended matter is settled down 15 min. Secondly the stormwater is poured through each column, and the removal efficiency is calculated. • The heavy metal removal efficiency experiments are divided into 2 parts. First the influence of suspended matter on heavy metal sorption is examined. Afterwards the removal efficiency of heavy metals by the columns is investigated by using AAS. • For the removal of organic compounds the same procedure is followed as heavy metals. The influence of suspended matter on organic compounds sorption is determined by HPLC ​
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