Wave Packet Dynamics at an Extended Seam of Conical Intersection: Mechanism of the Light-Induced Wolff Rearrangement
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Quantum dynamics calculations on a model surface based on CASPT(2)//CASSCF calculations are carried out to probe the traversal of a wave packet through an extended seam of conical intersection during the light-induced Wolff rearrangement of diazonaphtoquinone. The reaction is applied in the fabrication of integrated circuits. It consists of nitrogen elimination and ring rearrangement to yield a ketene. After excitation, the wave packet relaxes and reaches the extended seam. A fraction of the wave packet decays to the ground state at a region of the seam connected to a carbene intermediate, while the remaining part decays at a region leading to the ketene. The passage of the wave packet through the extended seam explains the competition between concerted ketene formation and a stepwise mechanism involving a carbene. The two primary photoproducts are formed in the first 100 fs of the simulation, in agreement with recent ultrafast spectroscopy measurements
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