From paper to nanopaper: evolution of mechanical and physical properties

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In the present work the evolution of physical and mechanical properties of papers and nanopapers is studied. Handsheets made of eucalyptus fibres reinforced with 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 wt% of nanofibrillated cellulose (NFC) content were fabricated using a Rapid Köthen-like equipment. The obtained papers and nanopapers were physical- and mechanically-characterized. The results showed a significant increase in density and a reduction of porosity in the samples during their transition from paper to nanopaper; besides, nanopapers were more transparent and smoother than normal papers. These physical changes where more evident with increasing amounts of NFC. Regarding mechanical properties, nanopapers with a 100 wt% content of NFC improved their strength and rigidity in 228 and 317 %, respectively, in comparison with normal papers. The evolution of strength and rigidity from paper to nanopaper was linear in relation to the amount of NFC, which means that the ultimate tensile strength was mainly dependant on nanofibril failure ​
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