Estat actual de les tècniques de criopreservació en la optimització de la fertilitat femenina
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Cryopreservation consists of freezing cells or tissues at very low temperatures using liquid
nitrogen in order to avoid cellular death. Substances called cryoprotectants are used to protect
the cell against thermal shock, ethylene glycol and dimethyl sulfoxide are used among others.
However, as a result of cooling, deleterious effects occur on cells that could compromise their
survival and viability. Cryopreservation is a useful process for assisted reproductive
technologies because this method allows preserving the two types of sex cells, oocytes and
spermatozoa, as well as embryos. Embryo and oocyte cryopreservation becomes important
when female fertility must be preserved, for instance in cases of cancer or autoimmune
diseases and, for women with reproductive dysfunction due to other reasons. Currently, there
are two methods used for embryo and oocyte cryopreservation in the laboratories of clinical
embryology: slow freezing and vitrification. In the first one, cells are exposed to moderate
concentrations of cryoprotectants, both permeating and non-permeating and, a gradual
decrease on temperature is produced up to liquid nitrogen boiling temperature (-196ºC). In
the vitrification procedure, cells are exposed to high concentrations of cryoprotectants and, by
a direct contact with liquid nitrogen, ultrafast freezing is achieved. Embryo cryopreservation is
widely used nowadays, while oocyte cryopreservation is still considered an experimental
technique. This is because the advantages of embryo features in comparison to oocyte; for
example, embryos have a better permeability to cryoprotectants and they are more resistant
to cell damage after cryopreservation. Nevertheless, oocyte cryopreservation has some
advantages in terms of medical handling and financial costs. In addition, the last one does not
imply so many moral, ethical and religious controversies compared to embryo
cryopreservation. The most commonly used cryopreservation method is mainly vitrification,
which provides better success rates than slow freezing. Despite progress made in assisted
reproductive technologies over last years, cryopreservation is still a subject of extensive
research; because there is the purpose to improve the protocols in order to achieve the best
possible results with the maximum security