L'us de sitges en època republicana al nordest de Catalunya
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Related to the power of Rome a spectacular growing in the number of silos appears, and also a dispersal of storage points. Now there are more villages with silos and the big centres of control of excess stuff, which were exist in former periods, disappear. Some villages grow very much. This growth may be related to the increasing of the production and to the roman tax System. What could explain the location of silos around the praesidium in Empúries, is really the income and the storage for military use. In the countryside are beginning to find new settlements that combine traditional italic elements with native elements as silos. These settlements from the end of the 2nd and beginning of the Ist c.b.C., are linked with the roman cities of Empúries and Gerunda. This fact gives a new economic situation radically different from the former period. Shortly the silos are abandoned; they are a way to preserve food not suitable for the new times. Finally in the Augustan period they almost disappear completely
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