El Parc de les coves prehistòriques de Serinyà (El Pla de l’Estany)

Several travertine cavities at Reclau place, in Serinyà (Pla de l’Estany, Girona, Cataluña), were occupied by prehistoric groups during Middle and Upper Palaeolithic and, with a less extent, during Neolithic and Chalcolithic periods. They have been investigated for more than 70 years and recently, the Prehistoric Caves Park has been created at this same place, seeking to explain the lifestyle of Palaeolithic hunter-gatherers. Those sites further excavated, such as Reclau Viver, Mollet and l’Arbreda caves, have been protected and arranged to be visited. The Park is located next to the road connecting Banyoles with Besalú and close to Serinyadell River, an interesting area due to its geologic, fauna and flora environment and because of the remains of ancient activities related to water. Due to its archaeological value, it has been declared Cultural Entity of National Interest (BCIN). It offers car park facilities, leisure area, audiovisual contents, guided visits, audio guides, and prehistoric activities’ workshops for scholars. It is foreseen to join this location through pathways with surrounding areas which yield prehistoric caves, such as Margenera or Bora Gran ​
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