Environment and climate during MIS 7 and their implications for the late Middle Pleistocene hominins: The contribution of Mollet cave, Serinyà, Girona, northeastern Iberian Peninsula

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Marine Isotope Stage 7 (MIS 7) is an interglacial that has not been a major topic of scientific interest, yet is interesting because it contains five warm and cold phases (MIS 7e-a) within a brief period of time (ca. 246-186 ka). In this context, there are several sites that contain Middle Pleistocene human remains in Europe, including Mollet cave, the subject of this study. Analyses of the small vertebrates from this cave, together with the numerical dating (ca. 215 ka), established the environmental and climatic conditions in which the hominins who frequented the cave lived. The results obtained situate the Middle Pleistocene hominins of Mollet cave in the MIS 7c substage, indicating that the occupation by humans took place in a transitional phase from a warm to a cold stage with forest development ​
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