La imatge turística del Pirineu català: el cas de la Vall de Camprodon

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This doctoral thesis will try to identify all structural elements that form the tourist landscape of the Valley of Camprodon, primarily from the tension between tradition/modernity vectors and between the nodes/semiologic landscapes vectors. In the first example we analyse the evolution of the tourist landscape to the present day to identify all surviving elements and the factors leading to change. In the second case we study the images that shape the profile of the Valley, either isolated elements (nodes) or landscape scenes (semiologic landscapes, according to Urry). To reach this goal we conduct a critical interpretive review of all existing literature about the different looks to the tourist spaces, assessing elements including the tourist image of the destination, any part or area that make up a tourist space, and any discipline used to “capture” the spaces. The following step of the research is to analyse the graphic image of the Valley based on a selection of photographs from tourist guidebooks, public and private archives, private collections, webpages and flickr. At the same time we study the textual image evolution on guidebooks from the end of the 19th century until 2012. The possibility of havig an overall view study on tourism focused only on the Valley of Camprodon and, at the same time, establishing causality, Complementarity or opposition relations between the projected and the perceived image of the area are some of the major motivations for this Thesis ​
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