csUrbanismo, SIG para la redacción y cálculo de planeamientos lineales

Mayán Parcero, A.
Lamas, José Ignacio
Trillo Pérez, David
This article is about of the motivations and capabilities of the application csUrbanismo. csUrbanismo is a GIS tool whose main target is to assist planners in elaborate urban planning and calculation . The scope of the tool systematizes the Catalogue of Cultural and Natural Heritage, Analysis of Existing Settlement Pattern , Urban Planning Index Carts, Calculation of Residential Capacity Planning and Analysis within Planning and Ownership Structure. csUrbanismo provides a standardized data model for the urban planning. It also adheres to the parameters of the Law 9/2002 of urban planning and protection of rural from Galicia ( LOUG ) Specification of technical conditions for urban planning ( PREGO_TECN ) of the Consellería de Medio ambiente Territorio e Infraestruturas ( CMATI ) of the Xunta de Galicia , and Instructions 1/2011 2/2011 3/2011 and 4 /2011 published in the DOG 91/2011 , in particular the consolidation of settlements ​
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