Development of analytical methodologies for the assessment of odorous and fragrance compounds in wastewater treatment plants

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Different analytical methodologies have been developed for the determination of odorous compounds and synthetic fragrances in water and air WWTP samples from Girona and Tarragona provinces. With regards to the odorous compounds, different methods have been developed, based on SPME and thermal desorption, for their determination in water and air samples. A group of the analytes have been detected in the samples at μg/L and μg/m3 levels, and some of them still surpass their odour threshold values. With regards to the fragrances, a SPME method has been developed for their monitorization in two WWTPs and it has been observed that some of them are not completely eliminated along the wastewater treatment. Moreover, two conventional tertiary treatments (UV and chlorination) have been evaluated for their elimination in waters. Some transformation products have been tentatively identified. ​
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