Turismo, pobreza y desarrollo sostenible en el Perú. Los casos de Cuzco, Cajamarca y La Libertad

The present research aims to analyze the relationship between tourism and, the social and economic conditions of the population considered socially and culturally poor. The thesis focuses on the ability to develop tourism practices in sustainable human spaces. First of all, the research analyzes the international organizations role mainly led by World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) who proposes to tourism as an appropriate tool for developing regions with high levels of socio-economic poverty. In some authors opinion tourism produce wealth for their ability to create jobs without requiring a large investment to achieve their objectives. Second, this research examines the problem of poverty from a multidimensional perspective using the capability approach of Amartya Sen who considers that poverty is not just a problem of low incomes but also the incapability to access an acceptable standard of living enable them to enhance their skills. The analysis was applied to three regional cases in Peru: Cuzco , Cajamarca and La Libertad ( Trujillo ) . We chose these departments because they represent very interesting spaces for this type of research and include in its borders exceptional tourism experiences, particularly that referred to the Department of Cuzco. We have focused on the geographical, socio-economic and tourism development levels in each case. Finally, the analysis of the statistical data collected show that tourism practices reproduce or deep in economic inequalities between the local and regional population ​
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