El foro andaluz de comunicación como caso de empoderamiento ciudadano ante la futura ley audiovisual de ámbito autonómico
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Twenty-five civil groups have constituted a communication forum in Andalusia in order to demand the regional government their participation in the drafting of the future regional law on audiovisual communication. For this purpose, since last May they have been carrying out an informative campaign consisting of several activities, such as de-bates among their members, workshops and local gatherings with the aim of raising awareness among local citizens about the need for a free access to the media and in-formation. One of their main objectives is to achieve a participative law that regulates the society’s right to have its own media to ex-press itself, agreed between government and civil representatives. This forum also wants this law to end with the monopoly of li-censes owned only by a few and request the Andalusian Government a definition of the television as a public service. Lastly, they demand the local authorities more licenses to civil organizations and the regulation of community radio stations that would allow them to develop in a dignified way