Informació i premsa en temps de guerra: Gabriel Bro (segle XVIII)
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Towards the end of the reign of Charles 11 of Spain, Gabriel Bro, a printer bom in Rodez, left France for Catalonia with a view to starting up his own business. After a brief and troubled stay in Barcelona, Gabriel settled down in Girona with his brother Jaume. With the exception of the time he spent in Olot, Girona was the city where Gabriel established himself as a printer and bookseller until his death in 1743. As a royal printer for Philip 11, a title which was given to him by the Third Duke of Noailles in 1711, he was juridically the most important typographer in t!Je district of Girona and the Emparda. No other printer or bookseller could publish official documents, press or works of remenderia (ephemera, broadsides, chapbooks). Nevertheless, as this paper shows, Bro's hereditary monopoly was permanently challenged not only by his fellow printers and booksellers in Girona, but also by the City Council, and even the printers of Barcelona. Our aim here is to reconstruct the trajectory of Gabriel Bro, father and son, in the Catalan and European context of the ancien régime typographique. Their personal and professional careers were marked by the political upheavals of the period, providing a vivid contrast with the life and activity of Josep Texidó, a royal printer who worked in Barcelona under the Bourbons. This study enables us to examine the origins of the typographical dynasty of the Bro family in Girona, which lasted beyond the Peninsular War; and the struggles between the different branches for the control ofthe title ofking's printer
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