The Isolation of [Pd{OC(O)H}(H)(NHC)(PR3)] (NHC = N-Heterocyclic Carbene) and Its Role in Alkene and Alkyne Reductions Using Formic Acid
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The [Pd(SIPr)(PCy3)] complex efficiently promotes a tandem process involving dehydrogenation of formic acid and hydrogenation of C-C multiple bonds using H-2 formed in situ. The isolation of a key catalytic hydridoformatopalladium species, [Pd{OC(O)H}(H)(IPr)(PCy3)], is reported. The complex plays a key role in the Pd(0)-mediated formation of hydrogen from formic acid. Mechanistic and computational studies delineate the operational role of the palladium complex in this efficient tandem sequence
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